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Prefix Premium – Profile, Test & Fix Code As Your Write It

  |  March 15, 2023
Prefix Premium – Profile, Test & Fix Code As Your Write It

Like all of us today, I’m buying more and more products and services online. But even the slightest hiccup in my digital experience might cause me to switch vendors. Multiply that risk by millions – the result of digital commerce growing at an exponential rate – and it’s easy to see how bad user experiences could literally sink a company. With so much riding on business-critical applications, DevOps teams need every tool at their disposal to mitigate the risk of poorly performing applications and websites. The best place to start? Pre-production application profiling, testing and optimization with Prefix Premium!

Prefix Premium’s powerful code tracing increases visibility into poor-performing requests; a critical need when working with legacy code, framework sections, and finding hidden exceptions in web, cache and third-party services

Prefix Premium – APM for Pre-Production

Affectionately known as the Developers Sidekick, Prefix Premium helps developers identify and fix hidden exceptions, unknown bottlenecks, slow web application load times and more before releasing application code to QA testing. By tracing and profiling your application as you write it, Prefix Premium helps you optimize every line of code with instant feedback on precisely what your code is doing and smart suggestions on where you can optimize performance based on industry best practices. Nine Summary Dashboards present key performance statistics. Drill down capabilities point developers directly to problem areas for expediting troubleshooting and issue resolution.

  • Top Errors
  • Top Requests / Slowest Requests
  • Top SQL Queries / Slowest SQL Queries
  • Top Web External / Slowest Web External
  • Top Cache / Slowest Cache
9 Summary Dashboards provide easy access to the top information developers need to quickly address trouble spots, fix bugs and optimize code performance

Great for All of DevOps

Whether you’re staffed with new or experienced developers, Prefix Premium improves the productivity of your entire DevOps team. Prefix Premium helps your Dev team consistently release high-performance applications, so your Ops team spends less time handling trouble tickets and support calls. Creating better code more efficiently helps leadership improve resource alignment with critical business initiatives, which increases overall team productivity. Most importantly, Prefix Premium ensures business-critical applications deliver a great experience to all users and customers, which ultimately increases profitability.

Get More than What You Pay For

If you’re like me, as you make more online purchases, you start to notice a few truisms. A great experience always results in returning visits and normally includes new purchases. Conversely, a botched exchange leads to seeking out and using alternative vendors. Value adds build loyalty – my favorite being a curbside pickup that was being delivered to me as I was still parking – and the oldest of adages still rings true: You get what you pay for … sort of.

Prefix contradicts the oldest of adages by offering a high-value application profiling utility for free! Extending that value with expanded, purchasable features, Prefix Premium helps developers release better code faster, every time. Prefix Premium simplifies how developers ensure high user satisfaction from your most business-critical applications.

Premium features includes customizable dashboards that present key performance metrics with grouping, searching and drill-down capabilities for fast troubleshooting and issue resolution. Smart Suggestions identify areas of slow performing code and offer industry best practices for optimizing performance. Prefix Premium stores historical data for up to 7 days, provides extensibility to Kubernetes, containers and VMs, supports custom thresholds for minimizing alert fatigue plus import / export capabilities for more efficient collaboration. For a mere $20 per seat, Prefix Premium truly gives you more than what you pay for.

Check out our Free Prefix trial today, enjoy Premium features for 2 weeks. I bet you’ll have the type of great user experience that gets you coming back for more!

Improve Your Code with Retrace APM

Stackify's APM tools are used by thousands of .NET, Java, PHP, Node.js, Python, & Ruby developers all over the world.
Explore Retrace's product features to learn more.

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