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Top Laravel Tutorial Sites and Resources

By: Agbayani
  |  March 17, 2023
Top Laravel Tutorial Sites and Resources

At present, Laravel is very popular among PHP frameworks. Despite being an open source framework, it has become a desired technology among PHP developers. It has a neat syntax and comes with a powerful toolkit, especially with the latest releases.

There’s no surprise that it is the preferred framework by modern web developers as it is equipped with powerful features like eloquent Object Relational Mapping (ORM), ease of authentication, clean routing, a decent queue library and many more.

Best Laravel guides and resources

In this article, we will talk about the top online Laravel tutorial sites and resources listed below.

Laravel’s evolution

In 2011, Laravel went from beta to its first version in less than two months. It showcased great potential and impressive functionality. The release included built-in support for authentication, localization, models, views, sessions, routing, and other mechanisms. However, it lacked support for controllers that prevented it from being a true Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework. However, this drawback was addressed in Laravel 2 with controller support called “Blade” making it a fully-qualified MVC framework. In Laravel 3, a command-line interface called Artisan was introduced, which later incorporated some components from the Symfony framework. Its fourth installment, Laravel 4, offered a significant upgrade featuring a different architecture of the framework. It highlighted the framework core and its amazing extendibility by means of Composer packages. In 2015, the Laravel 5 series kicked off highlighting Laravel 5.1 to receive long-term support (LTS).

Laravel simplifies many tasks and provides a creative environment combined with an expressive syntax for Web developers. And most of all, Laravel has the most complete and updated documentation. It has a built-in migration that can be executed via Artisan. Also, there are several add-on packages called bundles that can be plugged into your Laravel installation and projects.

Here are some online top Laravel tutorial sites and resources, if you aspire to develop web apps using Laravel and want an in-depth understanding of the framework.

Laravel documentation

Before exploring other pertinent resources, Laravel documentation is the number one recommended site to venture into. You can never go wrong with Laravel’s author. It is a very good and up-to-date resource, covering the first version release up to the latest releases. Keep in mind, that documentation is really a strong point for every framework, combined with the active participation of a community of developers who actively support it. Thus, it offers in-depth documentation where you can highly appreciate Laravel and experience it first hand. In less than 30 minutes, you can build a functional application using their Getting Started tutorial.


Laracasts compare themselves with Netflix. As Netflix is for entertainment seekers, Laracasts is for Laravel enthusiasts. Laracasts offers more practical and modern web development using expert’s screencasts. It offers greater opportunities to learn and pick methodologies for creating Laravel projects. Lastly, it has a minimal subscription fee depending on what plans that suit your needs.

Code Bright

Code Bright by Dayle Rees, is another resource to look into. It is a first-class asset in learning Laravel. It covers the majority of the framework’s components, though the book is written for Laravel 4. This tutorial is available online as well as in hard copy.


Treehouse is another resource that offers affordable technology education to people everywhere. A wide array of Laravel Basics topics across software developments is at your fingertips. It serves as the foundation for starting to learn Laravel. The entire program comprises of eight areas, wherein each area has segments with a few lessons, questions, tests, and answers. It promotes fast assessment of your learning capabilities and evaluates what have you learned so far. Every segment accompanies intelligent recordings, applicable downloadable files, and educator’s notes.


Sitepoint successfully established their reputation as another good source for learning Web design and development. They have a handful of tutorials, courses, and e-books that offers in-depth tutorials about specific Laravel functions. The best part is that these functions are, of course, written by programmers from Sitepoint.

Tutorials Point

Tutorialspoint is a large education-based website that offers various programming topics including Laravel. The website is a user-friendly environment that is simple and easy to understand, living up to their slogan of “Simply Easy Learning.” Topics are well organized in the navigation panel that allows users to easily jump from one specific topic to another.


At Eduonix, you will learn the most recent version of Laravel plus you can experience every topic that the system covers. The entire course is well laid-out to cover the overview, fundamentals, and in-depth exploration of each topic. As an introductory part, they have short video presentations.

There are a lot of online resources for a wide variety of programming courses and tutorials. Since Laravel is immensely popular, is a community that offers the best online courses and tutorials. It has gained reputation and is recommended by community members and programmers as well. The good thing about this community is it provides an avenue to learn for beginners as well as experts. You can ask questions and share your code snippets to discuss in its community forums.


With the continual demand of web application technology, ranging from simple to complex, Laravel plays a vital role in the PHP world. Taylor Otwell developed an MVC PHP structure intended for developers to have a basic and exquisite toolbox that can build robust web applications. This article summarizes top Laravel tutorial sites and resources that offer options and references that cater to your coding styles and preferences.  Keep your PHP applications running smoothly with Stackify’s APM tool Retrace.  Download your free two week trial today!

More information

These articles provide additional information and resources that might be useful for your PHP applications.

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