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Master Docker: The Complete Toolkit Including Courses, Podcasts, Experts

By: angelas
  |  March 18, 2023
Master Docker: The Complete Toolkit Including Courses, Podcasts, Experts

Docker has taken the software development world by storm. It provides a convenient way to package and ship applications according to the DevOps methodology.

We recently released a list of 51 must-have Docker tools, but tools aren’t the only thing you’ll need to fully master containerization. With practically every dev shop embracing containers, there’s a need to upgrade your skillset to include Docker. Maybe you want to use it with ASP.NET, or perhaps you want to learn about logging. Maybe you’ve never used it but want to see what all the buzz is about, or maybe you simply want to stay abreast of all the latest developments.

Thankfully, there are loads of resources available no matter what you want to learn, and that’s why we decided to compile a list of helpful learning resources, including courses and tutorials, forums, events, podcasts, experts to follow, and more – so that you can get started mastering Docker no matter your current experience level or learning preferences. We’ve rounded up 50 helpful tutorials, tools, and resources to help you along your Docker journey, including:

Docker Courses

1. CloudAcademy

Cloud Academy

This Docker course is from an education startup, Cloud Academy, which is focused exclusively on cloud computing.

Key Features:

  • Is an introductory course, and gives you a good background on container technologies in general
  • It also lets you dip your toes with your first few Docker commands
  • Best of all – It’s free of charge (an advanced option is available for a fee)

2. Code School

Code School

Code School offers this free Docker course which is worth checking out.

Key Features:

  • The course has 3 levels, each covering one component of Docker
  • Uses a combination of video and interactive code to teach the basics
  • With an aim to get beginner learners to code, Code School makes learning very easy

3. Edureka


While the previous two courses are self-paced online classes, this one is instructor-led and has set schedules.

Key Features:

  • Interaction with the instructor helps students to be more engaged than a self-paced class
  • There are assignments to be done, and you can get help while doing them
  • This is a paid course

4. Linux Academy

Linux Academy

This is a self-paced course and is one of the top-ranking courses on Docker.

Key Features:

  • Linux Academy focuses on training for cloud computing and has courses on most major vendor platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, and more
  • This course consists of 40 videos and 9 exercises
  • You can check out the course with the 7-day trial, and then buy if you’re convinced

5. Lynda


This is another great course from a leading education website.

Key Features:

  • This is an intermediate level course, and users who need even more basic instructions can opt for Lynda’s other courses on Git and coding fundamentals
  • It is a self-paced course with videos and exercises
  • Lynda provides high-quality transcripts for a quick glance through of the material covered

6. Pluralsight


Taught by Nigel Poulton, this course is popular and highly-rated.

Key Features:

7. Udemy


Udemy is another reputable online education website, and its Docker courses receive rave reviews.

Key Features:

  • Udemy offers many Docker courses, but the most popular one is Docker Technologies for DevOps and Developers
  • It features 3 hours of on-demand video and gives you lifetime access to them
  • Though not free, it’s very competitively priced

Docker’s Official Resources

8. Docker Blog

Docker Blog

Here you’ll find all Docker announcements, especially about new product features.

Key Features:

  • Though not a structured learning resource, it is a vital resource for every user to keep up with the latest and greatest developments
  • Has updates on the product as well as the direction the company is taking

9. Docker Documentation

Docker Documentation

Though not a course as all the previous items in this list, this is where every Docker learner visits at some point of their journey.

Key Features:

  • All information here is up-to-date and maintained by the company
  • No matter which course or resource you follow, you’ll always have to refer to the documentation
  • Features many use cases and examples to help grasp concepts easily

10. Moby Project

Moby Project

Though not relevant to beginners, it’s good for Docker users to be aware of the Moby Project.

Key Features:

  • Moby Project includes all of Docker’s open-source efforts under one umbrella project
  • Moby is a platform for building container systems and isn’t used by application developers
  • As you move to the advanced stages, you’ll need to learn about what’s possible with Moby as you push Docker to its limits

11. Docker Training

Docker Training

Docker’s official training is bound to be the most up-to-date and accurate among the many learning resources out there.

Key Features:

  • The self-paced option is for individuals
  • The instructor-led track is for enterprises looking to train their staff
  • The self-paced option uses interactive coding to teach basic functionality
  • The self-paced course is free, while the instructor-led one is paid


12. Docker Community Forums

Docker Community Forums

As you learn the ropes, you need a place to ask questions and get answers, and there’s no better place for this than the Docker Forums.

Key Features:

  • Is exclusively Docker-focused and has users at every level to help each other
  • Docker Captains regularly drop by in the forum discussions offering expert help and tips

13. Reddit


Reddit is a great place for discussions about Docker best practices as well as for connecting with fellow devs and experts.

Key Features:

  • A fairly active forum with discussions among IT professionals
  • Not the best place to post specific error messages, or product questions that involve code samples

14. StackOverflow


Whether beginner or expert, StackOverflow is the forum of choice for every developer.

Key Features:

  • StackOverflow is great if you have questions that are beyond Docker, for example, about implementing Docker in your legacy setup
  • It’s also great for posting specific error messages and getting help from experts

Open Source Tools

15. Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)


Though not a tool itself, the CNCF is a collection of open source tools that aid with Docker implementation.

Key Features:

  • Started and run by a consortium of companies like Google, CoreOS, Docker, and every major cloud provider, the CNCF is the leading authority on container technologies today
  • It features projects such as Kubernetes, Prometheus, Flannel, gRPC, and more

16. Kubernetes


Kubernetes is, by far, the hottest open source tool today.

Key Features:

  • A container orchestrator, Kubernetes is built to manage container workloads at extremely high scale
  • Built and open sourced by Google, Kubernetes is battle-tested over many years inside Google
  • Kubernetes has its own tutorials that are interactive and free of charge

17. Prometheus


Prometheus is the hottest open-source cloud monitoring tool today.

Key Features:

  • Purpose built for monitoring container workloads, Prometheus works seamlessly with Kubernetes
  • It can handle high-frequency data updates with ease
  • Integrates with a variety of cloud platforms

Vendor Ecosystem

18. Amazon ECS

Amazon ECS

Amazon ECS is the CaaS platform from AWS.

Key Features:

  • Based on the leading cloud service AWS EC2, Amazon’s EC2 Container Service (ECS) is AWS’ response to the excitement around Docker
  • If your organization is mostly invested in AWS, ECS is a great way to transition to Docker

19. Azure Container Service

Azure Container Service

Azure Container Service is Microsoft’s answer to AWS’ ECS.

Key Features:

  • Makes it easy to manage and scale containers
  • Works best if you already use a lot of Azure resources

20. CoreOS


CoreOS is one of the most innovative organizations in the container space today.

Key Features:

  • Created an alternative container runtime to Docker named rkt (rocket)
  • Rkt addresses some security issues
  • Their Tectonic platform is an end-to-end Container as a Service (CaaS) platform powered by Kubernetes
  • One of the key members of the Kubernetes open-source project

21. Google Container Engine (GKE)

Google Container Engine

Google Container Engine is Google’s CaaS solution.

Key Features:

  • Considering Google open sourced Kubernetes, GKE is heavily Kubernetes-centric
  • Kubernetes management can be complex, but GKE makes it simple

22. Kismatic


Kismatic provides Kubernetes as a service.

Key Features

  • This is one of the easiest ways to run a set of Kubernetes clusters
  • Kismatic is transitioning from being a PaaS platform after being acquired by Apprenda

23. Mesosphere


Mesos is one of the first container orchestrators.

Key Features:

  • Along with Kubernetes and Docker Swarm, Mesosphere DC/OS is one of the top 3 container orchestration platforms available today

24. Red Hat Openshift

Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat throws its hat into the managed Kubernetes space.

Key Features:

  • Brings Red Hat’s experience of running open source software at enterprise scale to Kubernetes

25. Weave


Weave is a Docker networking tool. Networking is complex given the scale and complexity of a containerized application, but Weave makes networking with Docker easier and more manageable.

Key Features:

  • Simplifies monitoring and deployment for containers and microservices
  • Deploy containerized apps faster
  • Query across hosts, services, and metrics


26. DevOps Days

DevOps Days

DevOps Days are the original DevOps conference where the term ‘DevOps’ was born.

Key Features:

  • Global community meetup for DevOps professionals
  • Organized by leading experts like Patrick Debois
  • Docker being central to the DevOps concept, newbies would benefit by attending one of these local Meetups

27. DockerCon


DockerCon is the official Docker conference held annually in the US and Europe.

Key Features:

  • Biggest product updates are announced at the conference
  • Tracks for all kinds of users, both technical and business users, so there’s something for everyone
  • Videos are available online right after the event

28. Jenkins World

Jenkins World

Jenkins World is the annual conference of Jenkins, a top continuous integration (CI) tool that’s also extending its reach to continuous delivery (CD). As many Docker users are also interested in Jenkins, this is a must-attend event for devs.

Key Features:

  • Certifications and workshops
  • DevOps sessions
  • Networking
  • More than 1,500 CD thought leaders, IT execs, and more

29. KubeCon


KubeCon is the official Kubernetes conference. With Kubernetes being the top container orchestration platform, KubeCon is a must-attend event for any developer embracing Docker.

Key Features:

  • Talks are more technical at KubeCon vs. DockerCon
  • Leading experts from open-source and cloud-native communities
  • Co-located with CloudNativeCon

Docker Experts

30. Brendan Burns

Brendan Burns

Brendan Burns is a leading expert on Kubernetes (in fact, he’s a co-founder), meaning he’s a fascinating follow for Docker enthusiasts.

Twitter: @brendandburns

Github: brendandburns

Key Facts:

  • Ex-Googler and co-founder of Kubernetes
  • Quit Google, and joined Microsoft to help them integrate Kubernetes into Azure

31. Kelsey Hightower

Kelsey Hightower

Kelsey Hightower is one of the core members of the Kubernetes community and an evangelist for Kubernetes and similar technologies. Follow him for tips, news, and more.

Twitter: @kelseyhightower

Github: kelseyhightower

Key Facts:

  • Developer advocate at Google, and core member of the Kubernetes community
  • Evangelizes Kubernetes and related technologies today

32. Solomon Hykes

Solomon Hykes

CTO of Docker, Solomon Hykes is an obvious choice to follow whether you’re a containerization expert or a novice.

Twitter: @solomonstre

Github: shykes

Key Facts

  • Creator of Docker the open source project and CTO of Docker, the organization
  • Is very active on Docker related discussions on Github, and Hackernews

33. Jerome Petazzoni

Jerome Petazzoni

Jerome Petazzoni is a container enthusiast, and you’ll find plenty of insights on containers and the tech space as a whole on his Twitter feed.

Twitter: @jpetazzo

Github: jpetazzo

Key Facts:

  • Senior Engineer at Docker
  • One of the early employees of DotCloud, the company where Docker was born

34. Alex Polvi

Alex Polvi

Alex Polvi is the CEO of CoreOS and serves on the board for several hot tech companies.

Twitter: @polvi

Github: polvi

Key Facts:

  • CEO of CoreOS, which created the container runtime rkt
  • Member of the CNCF, and actively involved in development and direction of Kubernetes

DevOps Experts

35. Adrian Cockcroft

Adrian Cockcroft

Adrian Cockcroft actively shares interesting news and happenings on DevOps, technology, and VC funding.

Twitter: @adrianco

Github: adrianco

Battery Ventures profile

Key Facts:

  • An industry veteran, having worked at Netflix and oversaw their move to the cloud, Adrian now works at Battery Ventures, one of the leading VC firms
  • He regularly speaks at DevOps conferences

36. Martin Fowler

Martin Fowler

Martin Fowler is one of the early DevOps pioneers, making his insights particularly informative for anyone following the DevOps evolution.

Twitter: @martinfowler


Key Facts:

  • Chief Scientist at ThoughtWorks, Martin Fowler is one of the pioneers of DevOps
  • His blog is one of the most influential on topics such as microservices, continuous deliver, and agile software development

37. Jez Humble

Jez Humble

Jez Humble is a published author on DevOps and teaches courses at Berkeley on lean/agile product management. You’re sure to learn something valuable by following him on Twitter or reading his work.

Twitter: @jezhumble

Keybase: jezhumble


Key Facts:

  • Author of THE book on continuous delivery, and co-author of the recent ‘The DevOps Handbook’
  • Is a regular speaker at DevOps conferences

38. Gene Kim

Gene Kim

Also a published DevOps expert, Gene Kim is considered one of the leading DevOps authorities.

Twitter: @realgenekim


Amazon Author Page

Key Facts:

  • Recognized by many as the foremost expert on DevOps
  • Speaks at many conferences, and has written a number of books including ‘The Phoenix Project’ and ‘The DevOps Handbook’

39. James Turnbull

James Turnbull

Another leading author, James Turnbull has authored numerous books on cloud computing and maintains an informative blog, as well.

Twitter: @kartar


Amazon Author Page

Key Facts:

  • An ex-Docker employee, James is a prolific writer who’s authored no less than 10 books on cloud computing
  • Author of The Terraform Book


40. The Docker Podcast

The Docker Podcast

Stay up-to-date on Docker and related development topics by tuning into The Docker Podcast.

Listen on PlayerFM

Key Features:

  • A regular podcast on Docker and related topics
  • Despite the use of the brand name this isn’t the official Docker podcast

41. Electric Cloud


Electric Cloud

Electric Cloud brings together various pros with expertise in DevOps to discuss the hottest topics du jour.

Also on: YouTube

Key Features:

  • A regular podcast that brings together an interesting mix of experts on DevOps
  • Topics range from DevOps for Big Data to the “state of DevOps” and more

42. GeekWire



GeekWire covers movers and shakers in the tech space, Big Data, gear, architecture, and much more. If you want to stay abreast of the latest tech news, this is your must-listen podcast.

Also on: YouTube

Key Features:

  • Great coverage of some of the top conferences and speakers in the world of DevOps
  • Product reviews, interviews, and more

43. SiliconANGLE



SiliconANGLE is a leading media agency that exclusively covers technology products with a focus on enterprise tech, digital transformation, and cultures of innovation.

Also on: YouTube

Key Features

  • Their YouTube channel features many interviews from DevOps experts and conference talks
  • They also have a website where they publish articles and opinion pieces on the industry

44. Software Engineering Radio


Software Engineering Radio

One of the long running podcasts on software development, SE-Radio covers a lot of DevOps topics that invariably touch upon Docker as well.

Key Features:

  • Targeted to professional software developers
  • Focused on education rather than news


45. Docker: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Learn Docker Programming

Docker Ultimate Beginners Guide

Written by Daniel Jones, The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Learn Docker Programming is an excellent choice for Docker novices.

Key Features:

  • A beginner-level introduction to Docker
  • Great resource to quickly get an idea of what goes into running Docker
  • Top-selling Docker-related book on Amazon

46. The Docker Book: Containerization is the new virtualization

The Docker Book

The Docker Book is written by one of the leading authorities on Docker, James Turnbull (featured earlier in this list).

Key Features:

  • Highly reviewed on Amazon
  • A practical guide to getting Docker to work for you
  • Designed for SysAdmins, Operations staff, Developers and DevOps pros

47. Using Docker: Developing and Deploying Software with Containers

Using Docker

This hands-on guide, written by Adrian Mouat, provides a useful introduction on why containers are so valuable for modern development, what you’ll gain from containerization, and how to integrate Docker into your work.

Key Features:

  • Covers end-to-end management of containers
  • Discusses monitoring, networking, orchestration, and more

Publications & Journalists

48. The New Stack


The New Stack

The New Stack focuses on the servers and infrastructures developers build and the cultural impacts of that work on the way we live and work. With various topics related to the cloud, The New Stack provides perhaps the freshest and unique perspectives from industry experts.

Key Features:

  • Read all their posts on Containers, and Kubernetes
  • Many posts are extended official announcements from projects like Kubernetes
  • Get access to podcasts, e-books, and other resources

49. Janakiram MSV

Janakiram MSV

Janakiram is a prolific writer on technology and all things cloud-related, including Docker and other hot new technologies that are transforming development.

Twitter: @janakiramm

Read Janakiram’s Work at: Forbes

Key Facts

  • Cloud expert and tech journalist, Janakiram regularly writes about Docker and related technologies
  • He writes for multiple websites including Forbes, The New Stack, Infoq and more

50. Serdar Yegulalp

Serdar Yegulalp

Serdar Yegulalp is a Senior Writer at InfoWorld, where he covers technology news and insights, including Docker-related topics.

Twitter: @syegulalp

Read Serdar’s Work at: InfoWorld

Key Facts

  • Serdar writes for the chain of InfoWorld websites including NetworkWorld, ComputerWorld, and more
  • He frequently covers topics related to Docker

And, there you have it – 50 of the top resources to help you get started with containerization. Whether it’s courses, books, podcasts, forums, blog posts, or open source tools – there’s a resource for every Docker enthusiast at every level. We hope you’ll find this list useful as you get up to speed with Docker or continue to hone your containerization prowess. What tools and resources do you rely on to stay abreast of the latest tricks and tips? If we missed your favorite, share it with us in the comments below.

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