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Explore the Features of Prefix Premium in Comparison to the Free Version of Prefix

Learn how the extended features of Prefix Premium stack up against our free version to deliver value far beyond the modest investment of $20/month. Push 1 bug-free application into production faster with Prefix Premium, and it pays for itself many times over.

Why It Matters To Go Premium

Capability / FeaturePremiumStandardWhy It Matters
Cost$20 per MonthFREEPush 1 bug-free application into production faster with Prefix Premium, and it pays for itself many times over
View Historical Data7 days30 minsProvides time-specific context to collected data to see precisely when issues happen & whether new code changes resolved previous problems
View Related Trace Correlates requests, logs, errors & SQL queries in one trace breakdown, giving developers a complete picture of request performance from any tab view
Summary Dashboard & Insights Helps efficiency & prioritizing efforts to optimize applications by consolidating summary information in a single dashboard displaying: Top Errors; Top Requests / Slowest Requests; Top SQL Queries / Slowest SQL Queries; Top Web External / Slowest Web External; Top Cache / Slowest Cache; Top Distributed Traces / Slowest Distributed Traces
Similar Requests Easily compare instances of a request to expedite troubleshooting, verify code fixes & optimize request behavior
Smart Suggestions Identifies areas in code that can be optimized based on industry best practices
Watch Additional Files Extends functionality to frameworks & containers by enabling developers to simply add file locations for Prefix Premium to access, consolidate & display captured data
Distributed Tracing Provides transaction tracing across microservices and containers in cloud-native applications
Share Prefix Trace Enables flexibility & expedites the completion of work by simplifying collaboration with team members
Compare Production vs. Local Provides integration with export data, open files & trace from Retrace to simplify the comparison of production applications to the local environment & determining if issues were fixed or a request optimized

Prefix Features for Premium and Standard Users

Capability / FeaturePremiumStandardWhy It Matters
Capability / Feature Operating System Support: Windows, Mac, Linux Performs with the most popular operating systems used in developer workstations, providing flexibility for the developer
Development Language Support: .Net, Java, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby Provides broad coverage to profile the most popular coding languages developers use worldwide
Profile Non-web Apps Supports profiling of console applications, windows services, etc. on the developer's workstation, extending profiling beyond web dependencies
Custom Instrumentation Extends the profiling capabilities to include methods, traces & functions not natively profiled by Prefix, for simplifying triage of critical applications
View & Search Requests Simplifies searching for specific requests of interest by capturing & displaying a list of all requests from local applications
View & Search Logs Consolidates & displays logs for easily searching files & quickly finding necessary information - key terms, log levels & data points
View & Search Errors Expedites problem identification & resolution by quickly finding & displaying specific errors in application code
View & Search SQL Queries Simplifies searching for specific query information by capturing & displaying a list of all collected SQL queries from the application
View & Search External Web Requests View & search external calls your application is using from either microservices or third party companies
View & Search Cache Simplifies identification of specific cache data that may be causing bottlenecks by consolidating in a single tab cache information from in-memory data stores (Redis & memcached, for example)