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5 Key Tips for Beginners Learning JavaScript

By: Branson Tachao
  |  March 15, 2023
5 Key Tips for Beginners Learning JavaScript

If you have ever been interested in Web Development then chances are you have heard of JavaScript.

JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language. It is used by developers to make the client-side (front end) of web pages dynamic and interactive. 

It is also used alongside HTML and CSS to make websites and web applications.

The market for application development in 2022 is huge. Freelancing as a developer or pursuing a full-time job are lucrative options for anyone dedicated and determined to learn programming skills.

While learning to program can seem like a daunting task, it is not impossible. There are many resources online that can be used to learn to program. Paid options are the best in the end, but that does not mean free resources are bad.

Getting Started

Let’s take a look at some tips for beginners in JavaScript to improve their command of the language.

1. Comment a Lot

Using comments is important when learning any programming language. Comments help make your code more readable and understandable.

In the beginning, you will frequently forget what certain syntax means or what a particular line you wrote does in your code. To save yourself some headaches, write comments about any line that you feel you might forget for later reference. In fact, in the beginning, you should be commenting more than actually writing code.

With time, your grasp of the language will increase and your need to comment on your code will decrease. Eventually, your code will have very few comments or not at all.

2. Do Programming Exercises

Even if you learn to code in JavaScript, you will not be able to understand how to apply it without sufficient practice. To get the practice you need, do additional coding exercises.

There are a ton of free resources when it comes to practice exercises. A simple Google search will direct you to a long list of them. Make sure to start with exercises within your skill level, then advance upwards as you gain proficiency.

One common exercise is to learn how to convert XML to JSON. JavaScript libraries frequently use JSON files. Learning how to convert XML to JSON and vice versa is a good idea, because you will be working with both a lot using JavaScript.

3. Leverage Multiple Resources

There are many resources available online that can be used to learn JavaScript. YouTube has a variety of video tutorials explaining the obscure and obvious features of using JavaScript.

Similarly, many forums exist solely for JavaScript programmers and their programming problems. Let’s face it, you will run into problems, and you can use these resources to resolve issues you run into. There are also groups and communities that can provide expert and amateur advice on programming problems. JavaScript is a popular language, so it is easy to find communities specifically for JavaScript and solutions to most problems.

4. Always Make Documentation for Your Projects

You will be making a few practice projects when learning JavaScript. No matter how small or insignificant a project seems, make some documentation about it.

Documentation can include a ‘How to’ that tells how to run the project. You can also include ‘Read Me’ files to tell you what the project does.

The point is to make documentation of all your projects. In the beginning, you will be making really simple documentation that only gives basic information. Later on, you will be adding more and more details.

Documentation will improve your understanding of what you have done. Beginners often follow tutorials and just code along with it. Unfortunately, such practices usually end up with beginners forgetting what they’ve done and not being able to understand their code.

5. Follow Best Practices

There are many books and blog posts written about best practices, just like this one. Programming best practices are important to learn as they can make you code more efficiently.

Best practices are always expected in professional settings, so adopting them early on will help you later.

There are videos and forum posts as well as blog posts about best practices for various programming languages. Since JavaScript is so popular, it comes with tons of best practices, as well as resources from experts.

Do some web surfing, create a list of best practices and employ them in your own programming.


JavaScript is an extremely popular language and due to the proliferation of websites and online services, is in high demand as well. Learning this language can be a challenge, but following these tips, you can begin your journey to becoming an expert in JavaScript and your programming career.

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