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10 Software Development Tools that Improve Productivity

By: Alex Evans
  |  May 1, 2023
10 Software Development Tools that Improve Productivity

It’s quite natural to become sidetracked when balancing the many activities involved in software development. You must keep track of deadlines, application goals and your piece of the project, while handling internal and external communications and producing good code. That’s where software development tools come into play.

There are a variety of applications available that are designed to make tasks easier for a developer. Industry-aligned tools function admirably in many circumstances, and are unquestionably preferable to working without a framework. However, additional productivity tools can be leveraged for developers who strive to become more efficient.

The Agile development methodology is very helpful for balancing flexibility and organization when creating applications. Even in an Agile environment, productivity tools offer a helpful roadmap for when each contributor’s contributions are expected to be completed.

There are many development tools available to assist developers in managing their time. The top solutions let software engineers manage schedules in a way that supports team goals, as well. This post outlines my favorites, so let’s  go through the main features of each.


GanttPRO is an online Gantt chart tool intended specifically for task and project management. But as time went on, it broadened its range of use. As a result, GanttPRO is also utilized for team collaboration, timeline, resource and cost planning. The tool provides a much deeper degree of planning than simply a basic Gantt chart utility. Additionally, everything is made simple using drag-and-drop.

GanttPRO helps developers easily summarize the time frames and status of each task. The tool tracks who is working on what and when they are supposed to finish the respective task. GanttPRO is a brilliant productivity tool that is a must for every developer.


A popular collaboration platform, Slack is typically used for file sharing and communications. Development teams, however, frequently utilize the technology to boost productivity by replacing tiresome manual procedures. You can also customize the tool by utilizing Slack bots and connectors.

For example, several development teams use GitHub and other platforms to funnel push alerts using Slack automation. Dev teams can also monitor the status of operations without leaving Slack, which keeps your team focused on writing code.

Silver Searcher

How much time is lost searching for a line of code within a document with hundreds of lines of code? To fix the issue, the Silver Searcher free and open source, cross platform source code searching tool was created.

Marketed as “a code-searching tool comparable to ack, but quicker,” Silver Searcher simplifies locating a single line of vital code within a bigger document. The Silver Searcher is one of the best development tools for managing time, due a number of time-saving features.

App testing is one phase of the development process that takes considerable time. Finding, documenting and reporting bugs can drastically reduce productivity. Shake automates the process to cut the time required for bug descriptions to just seconds.

Consider all the information you must provide in each bug report. You include the platform, reporter ID, application version, procedures to recreate the problem, expected result, actual result and much more.

With Shake, all you do when a bug is detected is shake your phone. The developer simply adds a brief summary, because the app saves all bug information. Developers can then go onto continued testing without ever having to fix the previous or leaving the app.

VS Code

A very well-liked integrated development environment is Visual Studio Code. Although it isn’t a productivity tool, its code editor helps developers accomplish their objectives more quickly.

The fact that VS Code supports virtually any programming language and environment is by far its greatest benefit. The platform is open source and has a ton of great features, like Git integration and smart completions.

The consistent experience across all platforms of VS Code is another fantastic feature. So, it won’t be a bother if you use several operating systems or coding languages. VS Code is free, in contrast to other similar products.

IntelliJ IDEA

Intellij IDEA is a proprietary, integrated software development environment created by JetBrains. An integrated development environment (IDE) includes a code editor, compiler, debugger and other development tools necessary for creating a program. Following the indexing of your source code, IntelliJ IDEA makes intelligent suggestions in every situation, including smart code completion, code analysis and dependable refactoring tools.

While you can create code using an IDE, it also gives you tools to perform a number of activities that a text editor can’t. Debugging and testing code, running a terminal, creating automation and adding libraries are just a few additional tools. IntelliJ IDE comes in both an enterprise edition with extra capabilities and a community edition that is quite full.


Git is the most popular and frequently used version control system (VCS). It simply and safely stores your work as you move from application to applications. Git is a distributed VCS, enabling several developers to collaborate on a single project or file at once. A free and open source tool, Git is made to manage projects of all sizes efficiently and quickly. Every time a developer works on anything, modifications are automatically saved using a version control system, enabling others to easily work together, make changes and contribute. 


GitHub is a website that hosts Git repositories and the best platform for software development in the world. In a nutshell, it’s like a Google Drive for software projects, in which you can find code.

GitHub is a great platform for collaboration, allowing programmers to find, share and create better applications. The project base is enormous, and so is the community. GitHub also helps minimize human error by automating repetitive tasks. All applications must be saved, tested, built, packed and deployed before ultimate release. With GitHub, you can build a series of tasks to be carried out once you commit or merge work to a branch using Github repositories and actions.


Timely is a time management application that records project times automatically. More handy than other programs, using Timely doesn’t require physically starting an actual timer for each development function.

Additionally, developers are free to concentrate on doing useful work when they are not forced to actively manage their time. Independent contractors and software firms also love Timely, because it enables team members to monitor one another’s work.


Some programmers prefer to work in silence, while others simply can’t create code without music in the background. In light of this, musicForProgramming is an ideal productivity tool for the latter.

The UI of this music generator is designed to seem like a code editor and mostly creates instrumental playlists. The tool eliminates channel surfing, and offers users music that has been selected to improve concentration and productivity.


The most effective productivity tools for developers ease important interactions, organize activities and automate otherwise time-consuming operations. Even if they have a little bit of a learning curve, the time you spend increasing productivity with the right software development tools will have significant long-term benefits.

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